The BSUoS charge recovers the cost of day-to-day operation including the cost of balancing the electricity transmission system.

Who does this charge apply to?

Please note that there are exemptions to the below list. 

✓ Final Demand Site

✓ Suppliers
✓ Directly connected Transmission demand

✕ Non-Final Demand Site

✕ Generators
✕ Distribution Network Operators
✕ Embedded Generators
✕ Interconnectors

BSUoS Charge

CMP308 and CMP361 came into effect on 1 April 2023, which changed the way BSUoS charges were recovered. CMP308 defined that BSUoS charges are recovered solely from Final Demand and CMP361 introduced an ex-ante fixed BSUoS tariff.

The BSUoS fixed tariffs and BSUoS monthly forecasts are published within the BSUoS data section below.

For more details on how BSUoS is charged, please go to paragraph 14.31 of the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC).

For pre-April 2023 BSUoS Methodology, please refer to the Introduction to BSUoS - 2019 document. 


Introduction to BSUoS

For more general information about the BSUoS charging process, please consult our introduction presentation.

Latest news and updates

2024/25 BSUoS fixed tariff publication

Published on 30 June 2023

2023/24 BSUoS fixed tariff webinar slides

Published on 8 February 2023

2023/24 BSUoS fixed tariff publication

Published on 31 January 2023

Useful information and documents

2024/25 BSUoS payment calendar - V7

Published on 16 August 2024

BPA_File specs for DAT Format_CMP3087_361

Published on 25 April 2023

Variable direct debit form

Published on 10 February 2022

SFTP connection instructions for retrieving BPA and BCR reports for BSUoS

Step by step instructions on retrieving your BSUoS BPA and BCR

BSUoS data

Current BSUoS data

CMP395 BSUoS Data

CMP381 BSUoS Data

CMP345/350 BSUoS data

Historical BSUoS data - II

Historical BSUoS data - RF

Rich text

Here you will find historic BSUoS data for all Reconciliation Final (RF) data for financial years dating back to 2001.

Forecast volumes and costs

Breakdown of operating margin (OPMR), based on forecast volume of reserve, forecast volume of frequency response required, annual weighting factors for STOR contracts, and forecasts of BSUoS charges.

Industry Data and Reports

Contains data and support for users of the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS). Here you will find the latest operational data, forecasts, and reports.

Data Portal

Use the ESO Data Portal to gain access to BSUoS Charges and Balancing Costs related datasets that are geared towards API compatibility, providing additional flexibility to end users.

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Charging documentation

Our charging documentation page is where you can now find all of our charging statements and policy developments along with all the guidance documents and webinars you need if you're new to charging.

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