Here you will find the electrical standards documents including specifications for electronic data communications facilities that apply to transmission-connected generators in England, Wales, and Scotland. 

 Please use the table below to see which standards apply to your connection.

  RES SPT SHE Transmission EDL/EDT Control Telephony
Directly connected in England & Wales    
Directly connected in SPT’s area    
Directly connected in SHE Transmission’s area    
Embedded BM Participant      

RES = Relevant Electrical Standards 
SPT = Scottish Power Transmission 
SHE = Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission    
EDL = Electronic Dispatch Logging 
EDT = Electronic Data Transfer


Raising a change and further help

The process for raising changes to the electrical standards is in paragraph 11 of the general conditions of the Grid Code. If you are interested in raising a change to the electrical standards, please contact the Grid Code Review Panel Secretary in the first instance at [email protected].

You can find further details in the RES Guidance Document.

If you need access to the GB Transmission System National Grid Technical Specifications, please contact the team at [email protected].

England and Wales electrical standards

Rich text

Please note that the titles and any references within these standards may use or omit leading zeroes interchangeably for ease of sorting. So for example, TS2.01 and TS2.1 refer to the same document.