Regional Breakdown of 2021 FES: Distributed generation less than 1 MW

Forecast data from 2020-2050 of distributed generation less than 1 MW of the FES dataset (electricity only), showing regional results

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Table Information


Title FES Scenario
Type string
Description The scenario to which this data corresponds.
Comment LW: Leading the Way CT: Consumer Transformation ST: System Transformation SP: Steady Progression CF: Central Forecast
Example SP
Unit N/A


Title Technology Type
Type string
Description The type of generation technology represented by this entry.
Example Solar PV
Unit N/A


Title Year
Type integer
Description Two character value indicating the year that this data relates to i.e. "20" = 2020, "50" = 2050.
Comment Capacity is assumed to be present for the winter starting in the stated year
Example 50
Unit N/A


Title Location
Type string
Description Connection location to the electricity system.
Comment Short code names are used for GSPs i.e. "ABTH_1" for Aberthaw 132kV.
Example ABTH_1
Unit N/A


Title Capacity of sub 1 MW Generation
Type number
Description Total aggregate capacity of sub 1 MW distributed generation of this technology type associated with this location.
Example 8
Unit MW


Title Forecast output at winter peak demand
Type number
Description Forecast output at winter peak demand.
Comment Winter Peak is a view of peak demand between the hours of 17:00 and 18:00 – typically November-February on a week day
Example 7.7
Unit MW


Title Forecast output at summer minimum morning demand
Type number
Description Forecast output at summer minimum morning demand.
Comment Summer Minimum AM is a view of demand between 0500-0600, typically in June-August on a Summer Sunday morning.
Example 0
Unit MW


Title Forecast output at summer minimum afternoon demand
Type number
Description Forecast output at summer minimum afternoon demand.
Comment Summer Minimum PM is a view of demand between 13:00-1400, typically June-August, Summer Sunday afternoon. This period is interesting to study as, whilst not being as low as the morning demand, high solar output will create a low demand on the transmission network
Example 0.5
Unit MW