Regional breakdown of FES data (Electricity)

Data for 2024 will be made available on the 15th of July, 2024. Long term electricity forecasts per region covering demand, demand side response and distributed generation based on our Future Energy Scenarios. Regions presented are Grid Supply Points (GSPs) and large sites connected directly to the transmission system.

An example visualisation of this data can be seen here:

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27 Data Files

Last Changed
Name Format Last Changed Sort ascending Download Explore
Regional Breakdown of 2024 FES: Demand (Active Power) CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2024 FES: Demand from distributed storage sites greater than 1 MW CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2024 FES: Demand from distributed storage sites less than 1 MW CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
FES 2024 Grid Supply Point Info CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2024 FES: Distributed generation greater than 1 MW CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2024 FES: Distributed generation less than 1 MW CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2023 FES: Demand (Active Power) CSV 10 months ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2023 FES: Distributed generation greater than 1 MW CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2023 FES: Distributed generation less than 1 MW CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Regional Breakdown of 2023 FES: Demand from distributed storage sites less than 1 MW CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view

Additional Information

Field Value
Creator National Grid Electricity System Operator
Date Created July 6, 2021 at 10:19 AM (UTC+00:00)
Rights National Grid ESO Open Data Licence
Update frequency Annually

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