GB System Inertia - 2017-2018

Estimate of the market provided and outturn inertia for the GB Transmission System per settlement period.

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Table Information

Settlement Date

Title Settlement Date
Type date
Description Settlement Date
Example 2021-06-30

Settlement Period

Title Settlement Period
Type integer
Description Settlement Period
Example 1

Outturn Inertia

Title Outturn Inertia
Type integer
Description Estimate of GB Transmission system inertia in GVAs. This is the sum of the estimated inertia of each of the generators with a power output > 15 MW or operating to provide inertia and an estimate of the demand side contribution to system inertia.
Example 200
Unit GVAs

Market Provided Inertia

Title Market Provided Inertia
Type integer
Description Market Provided Inertia
Comment This is calculated in the same way as the outturn inertia but with the position of the generators recalculated to remove the impact of actions taken by NGESO. These include: 1: Trades: BMU specific trades. Trades to manage constraints, mitigate RoCoF risk and voltage requirements. 2: Bid Offer Acceptance (BOAs): Instructions from NGESO to a participant in the balancing mechanism. Participants must then act to ensure that their BM Units produce the required level of output.
Example 200
Unit GVAs