Historic Demand Data

This section contains historic electricity demand, interconnector, hydro storage pumping, Non-BM Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), wind and solar outturn data.

Note: We are currently investigating the I014 data quality and therefore all I014 related data published in this dataset is currently suspended. As there is no obligation for National Grid ESO to publish this data, it was best to suspend it's publication during our investigation. Once we are satisfied with the data quality, we will reactivate this information, however we cannot commit to a date when we will be able to start publishing the data again. Operational metering data is being published without any changes.

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17 Data Files

Last Changed
Name Format Last Changed Sort ascending Download Explore
Historic Demand Data 2024 CSV 17 hours ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2023 CSV 5 months ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2022 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2021 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2020 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2019 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2018 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2017 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2016 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Historic Demand Data 2015 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view

Additional Information

Field Value
Creator National Grid Electricity System Operator
Date Created November 5, 2019 at 1:10 PM (UTC+00:00)
Source National Grid Electricity System Operator
Rights National Grid ESO Open Data Licence
Status Live

cURL integration


# Get a list of dataset's resources

curl -L -s https://api.nationalgrideso.com/api/3/action/datapackage_show?id=historic-demand-data | grep path

# Get resources

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/f6d02c0f-957b-48cb-82ee-09003f2ba759/download/demanddata.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/bf5ab335-9b40-4ea4-b93a-ab4af7bce003/download/demanddata.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/bb44a1b5-75b1-4db2-8491-257f23385006/download/demanddata_2022.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/18c69c42-f20d-46f0-84e9-e279045befc6/download/demanddata_2021.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/33ba6857-2a55-479f-9308-e5c4c53d4381/download/demanddata_2020.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/dd9de980-d724-415a-b344-d8ae11321432/download/demanddata_2019.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/fcb12133-0db0-4f27-a4a5-1669fd9f6d33/download/demanddata_2018.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/2f0f75b8-39c5-46ff-a914-ae38088ed022/download/demanddata_2017.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/3bb75a28-ab44-4a0b-9b1c-9be9715d3c44/download/demanddata_2016.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8f2fe0af-871c-488d-8bad-960426f24601/resource/cc505e45-65ae-4819-9b90-1fbb06880293/download/demanddata_2015.csv

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