FES: Pathways to Net Zero – European Electricity Supply Data Table (ES2)

The FES: Pathways to Net Zero represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target. One of the FES outputs is an agreed set of data tables containing the European electricity supply values which are included in this dataset.

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2 Data Files

Last Changed
Name Format Last Changed Sort ascending Download Explore
European Electricity Supply Data Table (ES2) 2024 CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
European Electricity Supply Data Table (ES2) 2023 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view

Additional Information

Field Value
Date Created July 7, 2023 at 2:35 PM (UTC+00:00)
Rights National Grid ESO Open Data Licence
Update frequency Annually

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# Get a list of dataset's resources

curl -L -s https://api.nationalgrideso.com/api/3/action/datapackage_show?id=fes-european-electricity-supply-data-table-es2 | grep path

# Get resources

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/bd83ce0b-7b1e-4ff2-89e8-12d524c34d99/resource/7902b197-ada0-47ae-bd2e-db566a8d0fab/download/fes2024_es2_v001.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/bd83ce0b-7b1e-4ff2-89e8-12d524c34d99/resource/6563801b-6da4-46e7-b147-3d81c0237779/download/fes2023_es2_v001.csv

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