We ensure that Great Britain has the essential energy it needs by making sure supply meets demand every second of every day.
We work with a whole range of experts, including engineers, academics and industry professionals so that we can safely deliver affordable and clean energy to customers. As we build a greener electricity system of the future our people know they are shaping the future for generations to come.
Find out more about our strategy, our RIIO business plan and annual reports and look towards our emerging future role at the heart of a new Future System Operator (FSO).
Unparalleled change is needed to deliver clean, secure, and affordable energy for the country. NESO is being set up as an independent organisation with a view across the whole system to lead this change.
We move high voltage electricity from where it’s generated, such as a wind farm, through the energy system. But who else is part of the British electricity system?
From hospitals to households, telecoms to transportation, our society relies on electricity. Our control centre makes sure there is always a reliable and safe supply as we move megawatts around the country.
Whether you’re interested in the innovation underway in the Markets team or are looking to brush up on market fundamentals, you’ve come to the right place.
To give you some insight into the world of balancing the grid, we’ve developed a game where you can attempt to keep the grid stable while facing some of the challenges our control room operatives experience daily.
We’re experts in all things electricity – how much we use, where it comes from and how it moves around Great Britain. And we want to share all that knowledge with you.
We have an ambition to run the grid zero carbon by 2025. And anything you can do to adopt greener habits will help. Become a megawatt master – in this section of Electricity Explained.
The way electricity is generated is changing as we head towards a greener future.
Do you know your DNOs from your ESOs? And how does electricity actually get to your home, around the country and overseas?
Inertia, frequency, voltage, thermal, constraints… these are just a few of the factors that go into the highly complex process of balancing the grid.
Experiencing a power cut? Find out what to do and who to contact.
There are three main models that determine the price of electricity. What do we use in GB and around the world?
Ever wonder how much electricity is generated and used in Great Britain?
Explore how renewables, EVs and more are part of the transition to a zero-carbon system that will take us to net zero 2050.
The Beyond 2030 report builds on top of the Holistic Network Design and makes a set of network recommendations throughout the 2030s.
As the Electricity System Operator (ESO) for Great Britain, transitioning into the National Energy System Operator (NESO), part of our role is to provide impartial advice to HM Government and the regulator on what is required to securely accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.
Read the story of how the we have decarbonised the electricity system to date, offering a blueprint to other countries around the world to help them reduce emissions.
Future Energy Scenarios (FES) represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target.
Innovation is critical to helping us meet the challenges of transitioning to a zero carbon future. As we sit at the very heart of the energy system, we play a central role in overcoming these challenges.
All of our projects contribute towards our effort to make the grid ready to operate with 100% zero carbon electricity by 2025.
We have launched an ambitious, industry-wide mission to digitise our energy system. We call it the Virtual Energy System.
Whether you’re a balancing provider looking to supply services to us, trying to find the latest Grid Code, or looking for the latest TNUOS charging guidance, you can find all the information you need in our Industry Information hub.
Balancing costs are those costs associated with (A) the Balancing Mechanism, (B) balancing services, and (C) energy trading.
We procure services to balance demand and supply and to ensure the security and quality of electricity supply across Britain's transmission system.
All users of the electricity transmission system pay to use it. This brief overview looks at who pays, for what, and how the charges are calculated.
Our team of code administrators oversees all aspects of the code modification processes and related meetings. So whether you’re new to the process, or experienced in the way it all works, we’ll help you get to the information you need.
In this section, we’ve got everything you need to understand the connections process. Including what you need to do to connect to, or make use of the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS).
These pages contain data and support for users of the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS). Here you will find the latest operational data, forecasts, and reports.
Our Network Access Planning engineers are responsible for assessing, co-ordinating and sanctioning the planned release of assets from the National Electricity Transmission System.
All the latest news from the heart of Great Britain's electricity system. Find out how we balance the grid, how we’re innovating for the future, and who the people are that are working on Britain's energy system around the clock.
Find a wide range of publications that provide energy insight and analysis right here, as well as information about how we're shaping the future of energy in Great Britain.
The Network Option Assessment (NOA) provides our recommendation for which network reinforcement projects should receive investment and when.
The Electricity Ten Year Statement (ETYS) is our view of future transmission requirements and the capability of Great Britain’s National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) over the next 10 years.
A 36-bus equivalent network representing the National Electricity Transmission System of Great Britain modelled in DIgSILENT PowerFactory.
We are developing new ways to balance electricity supply and demand and manage a low carbon electricity system, helping to meet net zero targets and minimise costs for consumers.
Summer Outlook reports are designed to inform the energy industry and support its preparations, we also outline Great Britain’s projected electricity needs for the summer ahead.
The Winter Outlook Report presents our view of security of supply for the electricity systems for the winter ahead.
Find out how we are working with stakeholders to develop a smart, flexible electricity system that with deliver services more efficiently and help us meet carbon targets.
The System Operability Framework (SOF) takes a holistic view of the changing energy landscape to assess the future operation of Britain's electricity networks.
RDPs look across the whole electricity system to unlock more network capacity, reduce constraints and open new revenue streams for market participants.
Visit My NESO account to view and manage your dataset subscriptions.
This document contains the definition for embedded.