Daily operational planning margin requirement (OPMR)

OPMR is the amount of generation exceeding the demand forecast needed to meet our reserve requirement.
When assessing and publishing generation availability information against system requirements, the ESO includes an OPMR above demand forecast for 2-13 days ahead.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Creator National Grid Electricity System Operator
Date Created December 10, 2019 at 3:37 PM (UTC+00:00)
Source National Grid Electricity System Operator
Rights National Grid ESO Open Data Licence
Update Frequency Daily (Weekdays)

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curl -L -s https://api.nationalgrideso.com/api/3/action/datapackage_show?id=daily-opmr | grep path

# Get resources

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/8e0c417f-ee54-4c8b-8ed2-0d64b042c6ed/resource/0eede912-8820-4c66-a58a-f7436d36b95f/download/csv_opmr_daily.csv

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