Daily Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) Volume Data

The BSUoS charge recovers the cost of day-to-day operation of the transmission system. Generators and suppliers are liable for these charges, which are calculated daily as a flat tariff for all users. Historical values of these charges, on a daily basis in a annual file, are provided here. There are a few missing dates and/or settlement periods from the years below under investigation.

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8 Data Files

Last Changed
Name Format Last Changed Sort ascending Download Explore
Daily Balancing Volume 2024-2025 CSV 1 week ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2023-2024 CSV 3 months ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2021-2022 CSV 4 months ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2018-2019 CSV 4 months ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2022-2023 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2020-2021 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2019-2020 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view
Daily Balancing Volume 2017-2018 CSV 1 year ago Download (CSV) view

Additional Information

Field Value
Creator National Grid Electricity System Operator
Date Created May 7, 2020 at 2:13 PM (UTC+00:00)
Source National Grid Electricity System Operator
Rights National Grid ESO Open Data Licence
Update Frequency Weekly

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curl -L -s https://api.nationalgrideso.com/api/3/action/datapackage_show?id=daily-balancing-volume-balancing-services-use-of-system | grep path

# Get resources

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/62760005-e3bc-4a27-8207-2a2c035055d0/download/q1_vol_fy2425.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/66984a1a-4b02-4dd7-9183-425babf23b02/download/q1_vol_fy2324.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/539cc579-37e1-4b6f-94e5-c26f9ec9be70/download/q1_vol_fy2122.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/0481067a-8a0e-465a-85a1-79482fca9307/download/q1_vol_fy1819.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/0cb9b169-a14a-4d1f-b08a-273b21519465/download/q1_vol_fy2223.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/b097d727-5adf-4c7c-98e5-4f8914b0f524/download/q1_vol_fy2021.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/e1043731-cc07-4e41-89a4-596316a663e8/download/q1_vol_fy1920.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/252b7bd1-7452-41bf-9b60-540cb1c0751a/resource/a9b63a05-da9a-4a49-bcf4-13326720ce80/download/q1_vol_fy1718.csv

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