ESO RIIO-2 draft business plan published

The Electricity System Operator (ESO) has today published its draft RIIO-2 business plan – the first as a newly separate company.

The plan, which was submitted to Ofgem’s RIIO-2 Challenge Group on 1 July, gives the ESO an exciting opportunity to engage with stakeholders to define and develop its role during a time of significant change.

Angelita Bradney, Head of ESO RIIO-2, said: “The energy sector is undergoing massive transformation. A new energy landscape is emerging, with different types of electricity generation, more parties to engage with and changing consumer behavior.

“Supported by a new, bespoke regulatory model, we will facilitate the transition to a zero-carbon power system, helping to achieve the UK’s recent commitment to net zero emissions by 2050. Alongside this, we will continue to deliver energy safely and reliably and drive value for consumers in everything we do.

“We are very grateful for the encouragement, support, challenge and guidance our stakeholders have provided to help us develop this ambitious business plan to meet the future needs of the energy market.”

The ESO will continue to seek stakeholder feedback as it develops its proposals over the course of the year, before publishing its final business plan in December.

Let us know what you think: engagement events will be taking place at the Electricity National Control Centre in Wokingham -  sign up here to attend. Or alternatively email us at: [email protected].

Our RIIO-2 October draft business plan and supporting documents can be viewed below:

Executive summary

Draft business plan

Annex 1

Annex 2 CBA report

Annex 3 Stakeholder report

Annex 4 Technology investment

Annex 7 Glossary