ESO to partner with the Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland to improve coordination of offshore wind development

National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO), the Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland have committed to working closely together to support the development of a more coordinated approach to the delivery of transmission infrastructure for offshore wind projects.

All three organisations are already key partners of the government’s Offshore Transmission Network Review (OTNR), and aim to build on these existing close relationships to collaborate in new ways to help Britain realise its offshore energy potential – while minimising impacts on the marine environment and coastal communities.

Find out more about the new partnership in ESO’s Autumn Offshore Coordination progress update

The announcement comes as ESO publishes an autumn update in its offshore coordination project, through which it’s working with a range of stakeholders – from government to community representatives – to examine different approaches to connecting offshore wind farms to Britain’s grid.

In December last year ESO shared its phase 1 final report assessing the costs and benefits of a coordinated offshore network compared to the current radial approach.

The report draws up conceptual network designs to ensure value for consumers, facilitate offshore wind’s contribution to net zero targets and reduce impacts on communities and the environment.

The phase 1 report also finds that by adopting an integrated approach for all offshore projects to be delivered from 2025, the number of assets, cables and onshore landing points could potentially be reduced by half, with between £3 and £6 billion of savings for consumers up to 2050.

Phase 2 of the offshore coordination project is ongoing, with progress on activity outlined in the autumn update. For further information view the project’s news page.