ESO announces revamped ambitions for 2023-2025

Today the ESO published its draft business plan for 2023-2025 for consultation, setting out new business objectives to support government targets and further energy decarbonisation

As part of the ESO’s regulatory commitments under the RIIO2 framework we have created a revamped business plan for 2023-2025 to set out how the ESO will adapt to new government targets and continue to deliver the greatest value for money for consumers.

Whilst the ESO’s work is governed by our 2019 RIIO2 Business Plan and the funding associated with it, due to the unprecedented level of change in the energy sector, Ofgem have allowed the ESO to break the five year RIIO2 period (2021-2026) into smaller planning cycles, so that we can respond more effectively to these changes.

This draft business plan therefore incorporates new government targets into its planning and outlines how the ESO will work to deliver these.  

Key messages include

  • A new ESO mission to support the delivery of the Government’s 2035 target for a net-zero electricity network
  • Over the duration of this business plan the ESO will deliver £2.6billion in consumer benefit.

Read the draft business plan in full.

Alongside this draft business plan we’ve also launched a consultation for industry stakeholders to give us their feedback on our plans: 

Read the consultation