GC0147: Last resort disconnection of Embedded Generation – enduring solution

This modification seeks to clarify the enduring arrangements for emergency instructions that the ESO can issue to Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) to disconnect embedded generators, as a last resort in an emergency situation and after having exhausted all other commercially available options. It is required to replace the temporary solution which was implemented on 7 May 2020 via Grid Code modification GC0143, and which expires on 25 October 2020. That modification was treated as urgent due to the unprecedented societal changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic which had led to demands out-turning up to 20% lower than predicted, increasing the need for the ESO to have access to an unambiguous last resort action to use in an emergency.

Modification status:
Concluded - Concluded
Last updated:
20 March 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Nisar Ahmed - [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard Governance


* High: 

  • ESO in operating the system
  • DNOs in potentially being required to take emergency actions
  • Embedded generators which may be disconnected under emergency conditions
  • Consumers in preventing security of supply issues

* Medium: Other Grid Code parties not directly impacted by the need to take emergency actions.

Implemented: 17 May 2021


Code modification proposed by:
Rob Wilson