GC0145: Updating the Grid Code to include the Manually Activated Reserve Initiative (MARI)

Article 20 of European Balancing Guidelines (EBGL-Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195), states that Transmission System Operators (TSO’s) are required to introduce a platform to facilitate balancing manually activated frequency restoration reserves (mFRR) by July 2022. Manually Activated Reserve Initiative (MARI) was launched by the European Network of System Operators (ENTSO-E) as part of the European implementation project of the European mFRR platform. This modification seeks to provide the requirements for the Grid Code so that participants of this standard European Union (EU) Balancing Product can be clear of the specifications required.

Modification status:
Concluded - GC0145: Updating the Grid Code to include the Manually Activated Reserve Initiative (MARI)
Last updated:
20 March 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Jennie Groome

Governance Route: Standard Governance with a Workgroup


* High: Existing and potential providers of balancing services in Great Britain including but not limited to Interconnectors and the Transmission System Operator.

* Medium: Distribution Network Operators.

Code modification proposed by:
Louise Trodden
