GC0144: Alignment of Market Suspension Rights to the EU Emergency and Restoration Code Article 35.1(b)

Article 35.1(b) of the EU Network Code Electricity Emergency and Restoration Code (NCER) states that a TSO may temporarily suspend the market where the TSO has exhausted all options provided by the market while in an emergency state and where continuation of market activities would cause deterioration of one or more of the conditions defined in Article 18(3) of the System Operation Guideline (SOGL). The purpose of this modification is to clarify the Grid Code so it is clear what criteria would constitute an emergency condition under Article 18(3) of the System Operation Guideline and under what conditions National Grid ESO would suspend the market. In addition, the modification also seeks to clarify under what conditions the TERRE market would be suspended and to align these provisions.

Modification status:
Concluded - GC0144: Alignment of Market Suspension Rights to the EU Emergency and Restoration Code Article 35.1(b)
Last updated:
20 March 2024

Modification status: Concluded - Implemented 26 May 2021

Last updated: 12 January 2021

Code Administrator Contact: Jennifer Groome

Governance Route: Standard Governance with a Workgroup


* High: None

* Medium: None

* Low:  This modification does not propose a fundamental change to the mechanism under which the market is suspended or the process by which the TERRE market is suspended. Since this modification is for the purposes of i) providing clarity only and ii) aligning the GB Grid Code with the EU Emergency and Restoration Code, the impact on parties operating in the wholesale market or TERRE market including NGESO and Elexon are considered low unless the solution were to change.

Code modification proposed by:
Antony Johnson