CMP368 & CMP369: 'Updating Charges for the Physical Assets Required for Connection, Generation Output and Generator charges for the purpose of maintaining compliance with the Limiting Regulation & 'Consequential changes to Section 14 of the CUSC'

CMP368 has been raised to give effect to the Authority determination within the CMP317/327 decision published on the 17 December 2020 to amend the definition of Assets Required for Connection, create new definitions of ‘GB Generation Output’ and define Generator charges for use in the Limiting Regulation range calculation. CMP369 proposes to update the legal text relating to ‘Generation Output’ detailed in the tariff setting methodology within Section 14.14.5 and the Ex-Post Reconciliation within Section 14.17.37 of the CUSC to align with the updated definitions introduced by CMP368. It also proposes to update the GCharge element within the legal text to align with the definitions introduced via CMP368 to facilitate the removal of ‘Large Distributed Generators’ charges from the compliance calculation as directed by the Authority.

Modification status:
Concluded - Concluded
Last updated:
20 March 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Jennifer Groome - [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard Governance

Impacts: High impact on those CUSC Users who pay TNUoS charges

Rejected: 20 May 2022

Code modification proposed by:
James Stone
