CMP247: TNUoS Demand Charges during the implementation of BSC Modification P272 following the approval of BSC Alternative Modification P322

CMP247 aims to allow all meters which migrate into Measurement Classes E-G to be treated as NHH up until the full charging year after the Implementation date of P272. Those meters which migrated before April 2015 will still have the option to be treated as HH if Suppliers so wish.

Modification status:
Concluded - CMP247: TNUoS Demand Charges during the implementation of BSC Modification P272 following the approval of BSC Alternative Modification P322
Last updated:
20 March 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Jade Clarke - [email protected]

Governance Route: Self-Governance 


* Low: Suppliers

Implemented: 23 November 2015

Code modification proposed by:
Damian Clough
