CMP196: Revisions to "recommendations" in the final CUSC Modification Report

It is proposed to amend the CUSC to replace all references to “recommendations” in the CUSC Modification Report other than that which refers to the recommendation of the CUSC Modifications Panel.  The term ‘recommendation’, for example in relation to "The Company" and the "Workgroup" recommendations would be replaced by terms with a similar meaning, which should result in the removal of a potential barrier to appeal rights, as set out in the defect section below, and would also provide more consistency with the wording of the BSC and would therefore assist with consistency across the electricity codes.

Modification status:
Concluded - CMP196: Revisions to "recommendations" in the final CUSC Modification Report
Last updated:
20 March 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Emma Clark - [email protected] 

Governance Route: Standard 


* High: CUSC Parties

* Low: Code Administration Code of Practice CUSC Modification Report Template 

Implemented: 29 September 2011
