CAP074 - Generation Reconciliation Statements – Date Change

NGC produces Generation Reconciliation Statements in respect of generation related Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) Charges to be sent to Users on an annual basis.  Previous versions of the CUSC have, in Paragraph 3.12.2 required NGC to produce these by 31st March.  This paragraph was erroneously deleted by CAP065, but its reinstatement is proposed by CAP072.  However, as a consequence of CAP043, NGC is proposing the introduction of a paragraph (to be numbered 3.13.2, following the implementation of CAP055) that would require NGC to produce Generation Reconciliation Statements by 30th April.

Modification status:
Concluded - CAP074 - Generation Reconciliation Statements – Date Change
Last updated:
20 March 2024

